XML Exporter for Bazaraki.com | Prestashop | CodeEshop

3 min readAug 20, 2024


The PrestaShop Addon XML Exporter for Bazaraki.com is a module designed to seamlessly export your products as ad listings on the Bazaraki.com website. This tool enables PrestaShop users to effortlessly integrate their product catalog with Bazaraki.com, ensuring their items are accurately listed and updated on the platform. By automating the export process, this addon saves time and ensures consistency between your online store and your Bazaraki.com listings.

Key Features:

XML Exporter for Bazaraki.com comes packed with a range of features to enhance your product listing process on Bazaraki.com. Key features include:

1. Category Mapping:

  • Map PrestaShop categories with Bazaraki.com categories.
  • Map reused product categories with Bazaraki.com categories for consistent listing.

2. Location Mapping:

  • Map location districts for accurate geographical listings on Bazaraki.com.

3. Customizable Listing Options:

  • Option to hide/show phone numbers on product listings.
  • Option to hide/show negotiable price indicators.
  • Option to disallow chats for specific product listings.
  • Option to enable/disable delivery for products.

4. Product Description Enhancements:

  • Add additional delivery text in the product description to clarify if the delivery price is not included or to add any other specific messages.

5. Configuration Settings:

  • Add configuration settings such as WhatsApp number for customer inquiries.



You can start the installation of the Module.

  1. Go to Back Office > Module Catalog
  2. Click Upload the module and then upload the zip file
  3. Search “XML Exporter for Bazaraki.com” in module search box then go to module and click on install.


Once the module has been installed successfully, admin need to configure the module

You can update the fields displayed in the image using your details from the Bazarki website.

Additional Fields:

  • Categories (Reused Products):
    Select the categories where products will be marked as reused. These products will be grouped under the selected categories.
  • WhatsApp and Selected Phone Details:
    Enter the WhatsApp number and phone details that you want to display on Bazarki.
  • Delivery Text:
    If you’d like to add custom text related to delivery or other information, enter it in this field. This text will be added to every product page before the XML is generated.

Back Office

Once the module configuration is complete, you can map the Bazarki category to PrestaShop categories using the dropdown menu. You can access this “Map Category” page from the left-side column menu.

Note: Set up cron jobs to automatically generate the file at regular intervals. This will ensure that Bazarki receives updated data each time it is refreshed on your PrestaShop website.


For any kind of technical assistance, just mail us at Mail




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