How to — Select multiple tables in adminer.php using javascript

2 min readMay 3, 2024


Javascript for Multi-Table Selection in Adminer.php

This code snippet injects functionality into adminer.php to automate selecting specific tables for export.

Youtube Demo

Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Checking for jQuery:
  • It first verifies if jQuery exists ($('#jquerycdn')). If not, it dynamically adds the jQuery library from a CDN (
  • This ensures the script works even if jQuery isn’t pre-loaded in adminer.php.
  1. afterJqueryLoad Function:
  • This function executes after jQuery loads.
  1. adminerCheckboxes Array:
  • It defines an array containing the names of the tables you want to select (e.g., ps_address, ps_address_format etc).
  1. Selecting Tables:
  • The code iterates through the adminerCheckboxes array in reverse order (for...loop).
  • For each table name:
  • It uses jQuery to find the checkbox element with the corresponding value ($(table tbody [value="${adminerCheckboxes[i]}"])).
  • It triggers a click event on the checkbox to simulate selecting it.
  • It then triggers a click event on the element two levels up in the DOM structure (parent().parent().next()) which likely corresponds to the "export" button or action for that table.

In Summary:

This script automates selecting predefined tables for export in adminer.php using jQuery. It dynamically loads jQuery if needed and simulates clicks on checkboxes and potentially export buttons.


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