- Turn Website into App.
- Fully Functional App.
- Admin can add the banner images for the homepage.
- Admin can add the slideshow images for the homepage.
- Admin can add the top categories for the homepage.
- Admin can select the featured banner of products for the homepage.
- Admin can select the trending categories for the homepage.
- Admin can add the custom banner for the homepage.
- Admin can add the custom discount banners for the homepage.
- Cache is used for quick user interaction and can be cleared.
2. Refresh Modification
3. Now you can check the module under Extensions > Extensions > Modules and click Install.
Give Permission for access and modify
Once the module has been installed successfully, admin need to configure the module
Status: Enable or Disable the module.
Trending Categories: Enable or Disable the option.
Static Banner Status : Enable or Disable the option.
Static Banner Limit: Limit the number of listing rows to display at a time.
Carousel Banner Status : Enable or Disable the option.
Carousel Banner Limit: Limit the number of listing rows to display at a time.
Slideshow Banner Status : Enable or Disable the option.
Slideshow Banner Limit: Limit the number of listing rows to display at a time.
Bestseller Banner Status : Enable or Disable the option.
Bestseller Banner Limit: Limit the number of listing rows to display at a time.
Featured Banner Status : Enable or Disable the option.
Featured Banner Limit: Limit the number of listing rows to display at a time.
Latest Status : Enable or Disable the option.
Latest Limit: Limit the number of listing rows to display at a time.
Top Categories Status : Enable or Disable the option.
Top Categories Limit: Limit the number of listing rows to display at a time.
Special Status : Enable or Disable the option.
Special Limit: Limit the number of listing rows to display at a time.
API Username : Username to be used in mobile App for authentication.
API Key: Key to be used in mobile App for authentication.
Back Office ( CES Mobi Builder )
Once the module configuration is done you can configure the other settings.
Front End ( App )
For any kind of technical assistance, just mail us at sales@codeeshop.com
You can check our website for other Opencart Modules CodeEshop