Bulk Update Price | Opencart | CodeEshop

4 min readAug 1, 2020


This Opencart module comes with an amazing functionality with which admin can instantly update the product prices of products in bulk. The Admin can select the option using which admin can change the product prices in bulk. These options will make the updating prices of product easy when it needs to be done in bulk and in one page only. As you don’t have to open the each product page which you need to change the price for.


  • Admin can Bulk Update Prices of Products
  • Admin can Bulk Update Prices with Options
  • Admin can Bulk Update Prices of Products with Multiple Category At once
  • Admin can Bulk Update Prices of Products with Multiple Products At once
  • Admin can export CSV file with Prices and Product Name
  • Admin can import CSV file with updated Prices
  • No Core File Changes
  • OCMOD used



You can start the installation of Bulk Update Price Module.

  1. Go to Back office > Extensions > Installer

2. Click Upload a module and then upload the zip file

Refresh Modification

3. Upload the module files.

4. Now you can check the module under Extensions > Extensions > Modules and click Install.

Give Permission for access and modify


Once the module has been installed successfully, admin need to configure the module

Status: Enable or Disable to use the module.

Once the module is installed successfully from the Back office, you can see the .


Admin can update the product prices in bulk from here.

  • By Category
  • By Product
  • By Upload/Download CSV
  1. By Category

Select multiple Categories in the Category option and then enter the Price that you want for all products in the Product option. All the products having selected categories will update their prices after clicking Save button.

2. By Product

Select multiple products in the Product option and then enter the Price that you want for all products in the Product option. All the products selected will update their prices after clicking Save button.

3. By Upload/Download CSV

Click on the export button then a CSV file will be downloaded and you can change the prices in that CSV file for respective products. After making changes click on save. After that you can upload the CSV file where you have changed product prices and the prices will get change.

This is how the Bulk Update Price module works. It’s a very useful module which provides Admin to bulk update the prices.


For any kind of technical assistance, just mail us at sales@codeeshop.com

You can check our website for other Opencart Modules CodeEshop




Written by CodeEshop

CodeEshop is Add-on for your need and helps enterprises to grow easily with a large range of ready to use and highly customisable eCommerce products.

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